Boston area general practice law firm engaged in civil litigation, probate, corporate and international matters. Providing strong advocacy for and personal attention to our clients.
Springfield, MA, March 28-29, 2017, David Daly and Paul Cavanaugh attended the NEAAPA Annual Meeting, including its educational events, trade show, and board of directors meeting.
Foxwoods, CT, October 30-31, 2017, David Daly attended the annual Dunkin’ Donuts Independent Franchisee Organization Conference at which various legal, operational, and financial, presentations were made for the benefit of the Dunkin’ franchisees
Orlando, FL., May 9, 2017, David Daly and Paul Cavanaugh participated in the RSA/IALDA breakfast 20017 seminar, “Things Your Lawyer Wishes You Had Done (Or Not Done).”
Orlando, FL. November 13-17, 2017, David Daly and Paul Cavanaugh will be very busy at IAAPA this year attending the IAAPA State and Regional Trade Associations meeting, IAAPA/IALDA legal round table, IALDA membership and directors meetings, NEAAPA board meeting, and the NEAAPA Tom Morrow Dinner.
West Palm Beach, FL. OCtober 17, 2017, Paul Cavanaugh presented at the WWA show 2017. The seminar “When A Claim Goes South” with other IALDA members.